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Harnessing The Power of Growth Factors to Make Cellular Regeneration a Reality

Exosomes will go beyond PRP to

  • Promote Skin Regeneration
  • Stimulate Hair Regrowth
  • Reduce Inflammation and Downtime

In The Pipeline. Stay Tuned!

Androgenic alopecia, or male/female pattern baldness, is a common condition caused by overproduction of the hormone DHT, which causes progressive shrinking of the hair follicles. Although androgenic alopecia is characterized by shrinking of the hair follicles, hair follicle stem cells remain intact. Exosomes are vesicles produced by stem cells in the human body that play a major role in cell communication. While other common forms of hair loss treatment, such as oral medications like dutasteride or finasteride target hormone rebalancing, exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells signal the body to activate hair follicle stem cells, bringing the follicles back to life by delivering restorative molecules such as DNA, RNA, and lipids. This results in hair regrowth, thickening, increased hair strength, and even in some cases increased vibrancy of hair color. Data from case series and small studies worldwide suggests that exosome therapy will be a key treatment for androgenic alopecia with incredible results for both men and women.

This therapy will be perfect for patients at both early and later stages of androgenic alopecia or thinning hair once FDA approved.

Exosome Comparison

Treatment Blood Draw Prep Time Pain (X/10) Rounds Until Results Effectiveness (X/10) Cost
PRP Yes 30 Min 7 3-7 5 $ $
PRFM Yes 10 Min 6 3-7 5 $ $ $
Minoxidil/Dutasteride No None 2 3-7 5 $ $
Exosome No None 2 2-3 7 $ $ $

Pain-Free, Minimally Invasive Treatment:

If you are experiencing thinning or receding hair or have been told that you are not a candidate for a hair transplant, you may be a candidate for injectible therapy. Schedule your consultation today!

CALL US 215.545.5460